This list of jobs is just a guide. Some of these jobs require that you have a vocational certificate or degree in a relevant course. We suggest that you carry out a self-assessment and identify your passion before you decide to follow a career path.
1. Network Support Specialist

The internet is used in almost every building in America. The individuals that ensure your internet connection is fast, stable, and protected are Computer Network Support Specialist. This is a good job for a felon who wants to work in the IT industry. Felons who were convicted of violent crimes, theft, fraud, and other crimes involving a computer may be unable able to work as a computer network support specialist. To pursue this career path, you need an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. With this job, you can earn between $18 and $32 per hour.
2. Painter

A felon can get a job as a painter, even without being employed by a company. This is a service that you can provide in exchange for money. Felons that want to work for a company may be subjected to a background check. If you were convicted for theft or violent crimes, your application might be rejected – click here to learn everything related to jobs for felons so that you avoid future rejections.
To become a painter, you need to attend a training school or vocational college. There, you will learn the basics of being a painter. If you would like to open your own company, you should check your state laws for any requirements. Painters can make $12-$20 per hour; this figure may vary.
3. Plumber

Almost every building has a plumbing system; this is proof enough that the services that plumbers provide will always be valued. Felons can become plumbers when they acquire relevant qualifications and training. To become a plumber, you need to attend a vocational school and get a paid apprenticeship afterward; this will ensure that you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work as a plumber.
Felons who were convicted for violent or sexual offenses may be banned from getting a residential plumbing license. This ban is to protect the residents that may hire the felon. However, some companies give felons a second chance and hire them. Licensed plumbers can earn $15-$27 per hour.
4. Sales Representative

Numerous companies are trying to sell their products and services. These companies recruit sales representatives to help them sell their products. Usually, these companies do not have any reservations about hiring felons who were not convicted of theft or violent crimes. Products that these companies sell include cosmetics, home products, laundry and cleaning products. A sales representative sells these products by calling potential customers, going door-to-door or traveling from one town to another. Felons may only need a high school diploma to work as a sales representative. Importantly, felons may be unable to work as sales representatives for pharmaceutical companies. You can earn $19-$44 per hour working as a sales representative.
5. Shipping and Receiving Clerk

Felons who were convicted of burglary or theft may not be employed to work in a warehouse. However, other felons can work as shipping and receiving clerks. The duties of the shipping and receiving clerks are arranging and packaging products that are being shipped out, accepting incoming packages and taking records of incoming and outgoing shipments. To do this job, you need to have a high school diploma. You can make $11-$16 per hour as a shipping and receiving clerk.
6. Solar Energy Technician

An increasing number of Americans are making the shift to solar energy. Hence, there is an increased demand for solar energy technicians. Solar energy technicians are individuals that install, test and repair solar panels and other technologies that are powered by solar power. Felons who are interested in this field can attend a vocational college to become certified solar energy technicians. Attending a college will provide you with knowledge on how to safely and properly install and repair solar panels. Solar energy technicians are paid $14-$22 per hour. If you prefer to work on your own, you can become a freelance solar energy technician.
7. Stock Clerk

Large stores or distribution centers employ stock clerks to move products from the warehouse to the shelves. Stock clerks may also package ordered items to be delivered to their owners. Felons who were not convicted of burglary, theft, violent acts, or fraud may be considered for the position of stock clerk.
Being a stock clerk may entail heavy lifting and going to work at night. Importantly, this job is ideal for felons who only have a high school diploma. The work hours are also convenient for individuals who want to work with another part-time job or go to school. Because stock clerks go to work early in the morning or at night, they can plan for the rest of their time. Stock clerks are paid $9-$13 per hour.
8. Telephone Customer Service Representative

Felons have a very high chance of getting a job as a telephone customer service representatives. This is because the felons will not be in direct contact with clients and customers. Many companies avoid hiring felons to ensure the safety of their customers and other workers. So, these companies will not hesitate to hire felons to take calls from the customers. Felons may be able to work as customer service representatives from their homes. To become a customer service representative, you need a high school diploma or GED. Some companies hold training programs for customer service representatives. This job pays $11-$18 per hour.
9. Trade Helper

Felons will be able to get a job as a trade helper on construction sites. A trade helper is an individual that helps workers like the plumber, welder, or carpenter on a construction site. A trade helper will not be asked to handle advanced tasks, but they may help with cleaning tools, moving objects and carrying the tools being used to work on the site. A felon can gain experience from working as a trade helper and will be able to decide what career path to follow. To become a trade helper, you need a high school diploma or a GED. Some employers require that trade helpers have a vocational certificate. A trade helper can earn $9-$17 per hour.
10. Writer

Felons who enjoy writing can work as writers. Writers can work as freelancers and offer their services using online platforms. In this case, a felon does not need to pass a background check and can work without leaving their home.
Individuals who work for magazines, blogs, marketing/ advertising agencies may be subjected to a background check. If they were convicted of violent crimes, they might not be hired. To become a freelance writer, you do not need to have a degree in a particular course. However, most employers will require that writers have a relevant degree. Writers can earn $15-$35 per hour. However, freelance writers can decide how much they want to charge for the service that they provide.