Maritime injury is a collective term for injuries workers sustain when navigating a vessel on US waters. While maritime workers don’t have access to workers’ compensation coverage, they have a specialized legal remedy for injuries they sustain at work. For instance, a maritime worker can seek compensation for damages under the Jones Act.
Here is what you need to know about maritime injuries.
Understanding the Jones Act
To best understand what maritime injuries are, it is crucial to evaluate the role of the Jones Act. According to the Jones Act, the country’s maritime jurisdiction and admiralty applies to injuries that happen on the vessel. This still counts even if the damage occurs on land. The victim is eligible for compensation, whether the injury is fatal or non-fatal.
If you are a maritime employee looking to understand how the Jones Act works, maritime injury lawyers will greatly help. Hire one to work on your case right away.
Remember that under the Jones Act, people working on or adjacent to navigable waters are eligible for compensation. However, some people might not qualify for coverage under this act. For instance, employees in traditional maritime operations like ship repair, shipbuilding, harbor construction, and longshore workers might get covered. Instead, they have their own federal law that provides legal remedies if they sustain injuries on the job.
Knowing your jurisdiction in case you sustain injuries on a vessel is vital. Maritime injury lawyers are well-versed in maritime law and will enlighten you on the steps to take. They will also represent you in court should that be necessary.
What Causes Maritime Injuries?

There are many causes of maritime injuries. When you get injured when working on a vessel, it is crucial to seek the help of maritime injury lawyers. Some of the common causes of these injuries include;
- Slip and falls: Slip and fall accidents are quite common in maritime operations. A ship or boat may have slippery or uneven decks that increase the risk of accidents. As much as you are careful when working here, there is always the risk of slipping and falling. Such accidents tend to cause various injuries, including back or spine damage, bone fractures, and traumatic brain injuries. Besides, slipping from a vessel can cause drowning, often resulting in catastrophic experiences. If you sustain injuries due to slip and fall accidents on the vessel, maritime injury lawyers will help you seek compensation.
- Burns and electrical injuries: You can also sustain maritime injuries through burns and electrical setbacks. The thermal burn can still occur on a vessel despite the vigorous security features. There is a risk of sustaining injuries due to this situation. Besides, electric shocks and explosions put the safety of maritime workers at risk. Following such incidents, it is vital to seek legal options from maritime injury lawyers.

Maritime Injury Lawyers Handle Maritime Injury Claims
Despite the ambiance and calm of the sea, there is the risk of sustaining injuries while sailing. If you get injured while working as a maritime worker, you need the help of a maritime injury attorney. They will advocate for a fair settlement and fight for your rights.