
It appears as though everybody is drained of energy these days. We work quicker and longer while not getting enough rest, feeling pushed, and then relaxing by eating unhealthy food.

Even from a pessimistic standpoint, the extraordinary weakness shows as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which happens when somebody feels tired all the time, and the situation has been consistent for the past six months.

From the very morning, you feel as if you “plowed” the whole day; you have no strength, desire, and mood to do something? It is quite common these days, however, how a person can know that they suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.

For a more in-depth insight into chronic fatigue syndrome in general, this article by Miskawaan Health is a great place to start.

But carry on reading for our own suggestions on how to combat this condition.

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Each person might face chronic fatigue syndrome differently. However, if any of these four symptoms stay for six months or more, you have chronic fatigue:

  • Muscle pain
  • Sore throat
  • Headaches
  • Irregular sleep
  • Unable to concentrate/ blurry memory
  • Joint pain

How To Combat Fatigue


Here are seven simple ways to restore your energy and vitality:

  • Magic Word “No.”

Any physical illness has a psychological component. Most people who complain of chronic fatigue are Type A: a personality type characterized by a drive to work to the point of exhaustion and a healthy competitive spirit.

Many people exploit this and ask you for unnecessary help. Then you find yourself in the role of a trash can, where others dump toxic emotions and work on you. It seems that nobody cares for you, and only you have to suffer.

How to reverse a self-destructive tendency? It would be best if you stayed away from such people. Learn to use the magic word “no” and become free and full of energy.

  • Reduce Or Eliminate Alcohol And Caffeine

The evening espresso may give you a temporary boost. Yet, on the off chance that you use caffeine ineffectively or use caffeine as a support for things like insufficient sleep, it can destroy your energy. Alcohol can do this, as well. It might quiet your nerves for a little time, but a few hours later, it can leave you mentally drained.

Therefore, eliminate drinking alcohol from your life. If you are not able to do it yourself, find some help. Many government websites like SAMHSA and non-government websites like Sunrise House provide information regarding how to help an alcoholic; you need to explore them and learn ways to limit this addiction.

Get 7-9 Hours Of Sleep


At first glance, this is trivial advice. But try to follow it! Realize that you still won’t make it everywhere, no matter how fast you run. You may have already noticed that the faster and more efficiently you complete tasks, the more new things you have to do. That’s the trick!

If you slow down and take extra time to sleep, you will find that your to-do list is shorter and some of the things you hate to do are gone. Plus, you’ll soon realize that 8 hours of sleep has improved your performance and that you’ve begun to enjoy what you’re doing.

  • Do Exercises You Enjoy

If exercise were a pill, everyone would definitely take it. It is because physical activity is the key to optimizing vital energy. Find something to do. Whether you choose to practice dancing, yoga, or just walking in the park, if you enjoy doing it, you will be much less likely to quit.

And be sure to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Schedule your activities on the calendar, even if it’s just running in the park.

  • Eat Less Sugar

You may be wondering, “What does sugar have to do with fatigue?” Increased sugar intake can be the cause of adrenal fatigue. People with adrenaline fatigue experience periods of nervousness, dizziness, irritation, and fatigue throughout the day. But they feel relieved by eating something sweet.

A sweet briefly raises their blood sugar to be normal; they feel better, but then the sugar level drops below average again. In terms of mood and energy levels in the body, this is like a roller coaster: a person is thrown from one extreme to another.

How To Avoid It?


Start by limiting your sugar and caffeine intake. Eat often, but little by little, increasing your protein intake and reducing your carbohydrate intake. Try to ditch white flour bread with added sugar and switch to whole grain bread and vegetables.

If you feel irritated, eat something that contains protein. And sugar also provokes the appearance of Candida fungi, since the growth of yeast occurs during the fermentation of sugar. Drinking half a liter of soda (it contains 12 tablespoons of sugar) turns your intestine into a fermentation vat.

  • Do What Makes You Happy

As you feel better, slowly begin to fill your life with things that make you happy. And stop doing what is emotionally draining you. Perhaps you can paint, write poetry, or raise children.

In any case, if you started doing what makes you happy, you are on the right track. Learn to choose what you like and get rid of what you don’t like at all.

Give Yourself Time To Relax


We often underestimate the importance of relaxation. We continue to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Even when we feel that something inside will crack, break from emotional and physical pressure we keep working. At such a time, you need to gather your will into a fist, try to forget about all the problems, and take a break. Take pity on yourself and your body.


Persistent fatigue can disable your well-being and joy, and no one solution fits everyone. If you have tried many methods and cannot overcome fatigue and pain in any way, it is worth looking for a good doctor.

A chiropractor may help you deal with the side effects of ongoing chronic fatigue. While it might require some investment and some efforts, but you can get your energy back and recover your well-being and prosperity.