In case you are choosing a temperature monitoring system for your laboratory, you are probably wondering how to make the final choice. We agree that in the last few years the choice on the market is really huge and that it can be quite difficult to decide. Such systems are a key part of laboratories and various health care institutions, because they provide complete control over temperature. This can be crucial to meeting certain regulations that ensure that the final product is microbiologically and health-safe and can be used for what it is intended for without any worries. When choosing a temperature monitoring system for yourself there are a few things to look out for. And we talk about that in detail in this article.
1. Installation method

When choosing a temperature monitoring system, the first thing to think about is how to install it and whether you will need professional help. This is very often the case, and we generally advise you to consult an expert in this field before you decide to be your own master. Such systems are crucial for the quality of your products, so they need to be properly installed in order to work smoothly.
Although you can find DIY systems on the market that you should be able to install yourself, we do not advise you to do so, unless you are very skilled in this field. If you do something wrong you can make a malfunction, so you will be forced to call someone to fix it. And that will take a lot of money and time that you could have used in a much better way in your laboratory. Not to mention that even if you manage to install the temperature monitoring system yourself, it may not work properly, so your products will break down and not meet quality standards. Leave things like this to professionals, always.
2. Automatic data recording

The protocol on data collected in the laboratory during the operation of certain equipment and devices requires that this data should be stored for a long time. This enables for this information to be available in situations when something breaks down or additional checks need to be performed. If you were to record this data manually, it would be time consuming and you would also not be able to guarantee the complete accuracy of this information. Therefore, it is necessary for the temperature monitoring system you choose for your lab to have automatic data recording, so that all collected data can be permanently saved. This feature gives you an extra level of protection and ensures that all information is accurately recorded, optimally organized and always at hand.
You can find a large number of such temperature monitoring systems at Absolute Automation and choose the one that fits your needs.
3. Software

Software often comes with the temperature monitoring system, and sometimes it is necessary to pay extra to have access to this option. The fact is that the software is a very important part of the temperature monitoring system itself, because it provides several important functions. First of all, you can configure all the data and adjust the parameters according to your wishes and needs. You can also make alarm settings and choose how you want to receive these notifications and where you want them to be delivered to you. Some software also allows you to download charts that can be very useful if you need to make reports and organize statistics as part of your job. Software can vary depending on the manufacturer, and you want to know all about the options they allow you before you make a final choice.
4. Real-time alarms

Another very important function of the temperature monitoring system are real-time alarms. Systems with these features allow you to get real-time information about changes in the operation of your equipment and devices. You can use the software to select the channels through which this information will be delivered to you. It is important to choose a few different channels, as this increases the chances that you will be right away. You can also choose to have notifications sent to several different people, to make sure that at least one person is sure to be able to take the necessary action right away. Real-time alarms alert you when some suspicious activity occurs that could indicate a malfunction of your equipment and potential product quality degradation. Having such information in real time is invaluable and prevents accidents that could cost you a lot.
5. The range of options it offers

Although temperature monitoring systems (as their name suggests) are primarily designed to control temperature, different systems differ in the range of options they offer. This means that sometimes temperature monitoring systems can monitor other variables that need to be controlled during the operation of equipment and devices in the laboratory. That is why it is necessary to find a system that best fits all your needs, instead of taking special devices for each parameter you monitor. This can be very impractical and lead to unnecessary spending of money, so it is necessary to take this into account and make the most practical choice.
6. Cloud backup

You can never be too careful when it comes to storing and saving data. That’s why it’s always a good option to choose a temperature monitoring system that offers cloud backup, so you know that all the data the system collects is completely secure and available at all times. Such features can really make a difference when the information you collect is crucial and you want to protect it to the maximum.
Choosing the right temperature monitoring system for your lab can be very complicated and tedious if you don’t know what to look for. That is why it is necessary to be informed on time and have a clear picture of everything you need to pay attention to before buying. With a temperature monitoring system, look at the installation method, whether it has automatic data logging and what options the software offers. Also, inquire about whether there is an alarm that sends real-time information and whether the system has cloud backup. Take the time to find a temperature monitoring system that fully fits your needs as it is a very valuable investment for your lab.