
If your primary doctor suspects that your pain you’re experiencing in your Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is due to TMJ disorder, they’ll most likely suggest that you see an ENT doctor in Singapore if you prefer Singapore for your treatment, among other factors. A qualified ENT doctor can help you diagnose this condition and, treat it though treatment at the ENT clinic may depend on the severity of your condition.

Other than the ENT doctor, an oral surgeon is another specialty doctor that can also help you diagnose and treat this disorder. They can also help you manage the pain that comes with it.

What can an ENT do for TMJ?


The temporomandibular connects the bone forming the side of your skull (the temporal bone) to your lower jaw (the mandible). It is the cartilage separating these bones to allow your mandible to easily slide when you open your mouth during actions like talking, chewing, and even yawning, among others.

It is located in front of your ears, and any damage to it may cause intense pain and discomfort in your ears. It may also make opening your mouth difficult. Damage to your temporomandibular joint may be caused by;

  • Severe teeth grinding, also known as bruxism
  • Poorly positioned jaws or flawed bite
  • Minor or major tumor on your jaw
  • Excessive gum chewing
  • Arthritis and even stress, among other psychological causes

Now, since you will almost always get the TMJ disorder symptoms around your neck and head region, a visit to your ENT doctor in Singapore may be all you need to diagnose this condition. The otolaryngologists specialize in managing disorders of the head and neck region; therefore, they’re perfectly placed to diagnose TMJ disorder problems.

Symptoms of a TMJ disorder may range from ear pain to jaw clicking/popping, frequent neck pain/headaches, and cheek or temple pain. You may also get sore jaw muscles and experience difficulty when you open or close your mouth.

Depending on the severity of your condition, the pain due to TMJ disorder may be excruciating, occurring every time you open your mouth to attempt to yawn, chew, swallow or even talk.

It may also be a dull pain but a constant one, hurting over the TMJ joint, in front of your ears, and in some cases radiating in other regions. You may also get spasms in the adjacent muscles attached to the bones of your face, jaws, and skull.

Most patients feel this pain in the ear, making an appointment with the ENT specialist one of the first things to consider. When you visit a qualified ENT doctor in Singapore, they will, of course, have you examined for possible causes of ear pain like an ear infection and other abnormalities of the ear.

If the exams reveal that your ear pain has nothing to do with issues like ear infections, your eardrum is normal, and you don’t have any signs of hearing loss, the ENT doctor may consider the possibility that your pain is due to TMJ disorder. To properly diagnose your TMJ disorder, the ENT doctor in Singapore will begin with a detailed assessment of your medical history, the function of your jaw muscles and joints, and teeth occlusion, etc.

If detected at its earliest stages, here are some of the self remedies that your ENT specialist may recommend that you try to manage TMJ disorder.

  • Avoid chewing gum
  • Give your jaw joints and muscles sufficient rest by sticking to soft foods
  • Do not clench your teeth
  • Use moist heat to rest your muscles

Your ENT doctor in Singapore may also prescribe anti-inflammatory pain medications and muscle relaxants to give you some respite from discomfort due to TMJ disorder. For more advanced cases, for example, if your TMJ disorder is due to issues like bruxism, the ENT specialist may recommend treatments that address the underlying cause.

You may need to use mouth guards and splint to help you keep the teeth separated and avoid extensive damage to the TMJ due to teeth clenching. They may also recommend improving your upper and lower teeth alignment. After the diagnosis, the ENT specialist may also recommend an appointment with an oral surgeon or dentist for further consultation and effective TMJ pain management.

How much does it Cost to Fix TMJ?


TMJ can be treated, so you shouldn’t fret if you suspect that you have got it or if you’ve been diagnosed with it. Now, the treatment cost isn’t constant but varies from patient to patient.

For cases that can be treated at an otolaryngologist clinic, your ENT doctor in Singapore will give you a better estimate of how much you can expect to pay. The most significant factor influencing your treatment cost is the severity of your condition, most commonly if surgery is involved.

For instance, if you need a full mouth reconstruction for treating TMJ disorder, you can expect to pay anywhere between $40 000 and $50 000. This will mostly be the case if insurance doesn’t cover the treatments.

If you only need orthotics to manage your TMJ disorder, you can expect the treatment cost to average around $5000 before insurance. Other than the severity of your condition, here are a few more factors that would affect how much you will need to pay for TMJ disorder treatment,

  • Cause of the Disorder: If your ENT doctor in Singapore determines that TMJ disorder pain is due to factors like stress and teeth grinding, which can be managed by simpler techniques like the use of bite guards or just stress management techniques, you can expect the cost of your treatment to be lower than if the disorder was due to anatomical issues.
  • The Prescribed Treatment: Again, if you need just oral medications or appliances to manage your TMJ disorder, you can expect the cost to be considerably lower than if you require a full mouth reconstruction. Your specialty doctor will let you know what to expect.
  • Your Doctor’s Skills or Training: Chances are high; a less skilled practitioner may charge lower rates for the treatment. To avoid further complications, it is worth it working with a qualified surgeon. Ensure the surgeon is board-certified and the facility is accredited.

Wrapping Up


ENT doctors can treat temporomandibular pain but you may need to also work with other specialty doctors like an oral surgeon if yours is an advanced case. For more details, visit