
Everyone understands that holding an asset for an extended period of time might result in losses while trading. Because the valuations of these assets fluctuate, the price of your asset may decline when you decide to sell it, resulting in a significant loss. The same is true in the case of bitcoin. The cryptocurrency’s value is likewise constantly shifting.

For example, the price of Bitcoin climbed dramatically in December, and you predicted that this trend would continue in the following month. However, it suffered a setback, and your investment was reduced to a fraction of what it had been, resulting in a loss. As a result, having a robust crypto exit strategy in place to assist you when it’s time to go is crucial.

What is an Exit Strategy?

To close a non-performing asset, an exit strategy is frequently followed. This will ensure that losses from a particular underperforming asset are kept to a minimum. However, if the financial or economic asset has already reached the investment goal, an exit strategy can be undertaken.

There could be a variety of different reasons for an investor or firm to implement an exit strategy. It might be anything from economic slowdowns to basic factors like an investor facing a liability lawsuit or wanting to retire and redeem his money. Click here to create a trading account.

  • The importance of exit plans has always been recognized


Exit strategies aren’t unique to cryptocurrency trading and aren’t a novel concept. Exit strategies are a popular way to invest.

When trading real estate and other financial markets, having a solid exit strategy is critical. Exit strategies should always be considered, according to the majority of skilled traders.

  • It’s not always viable to ride out a bearish storm


Some traders take on bearish trends, risking millions of dollars, only to profit twice as much as if they had exited sooner.

Such instances are the exception rather than the rule. If you do this, it is very easy to stop your trading career prematurely.

  • Cryptocurrencies have the potential to crash


Because of their volatility, cryptocurrencies are popular among investors. That implies day traders and other short-term traders can profit handsomely without committing for months or years.

Regardless, these price swings, while exciting, make Bitcoin a risky investment. It is currently trading close to around $60,000, but it recently plunged, shattering the $30,000 support.

Trading with cryptocurrencies is also more common than investing with them. People can earn from both selling and purchasing, which fuels both bearish and bullish trends.

  • When you decide to sell, you’ll know


Your trade’s termination point will be determined by your exit strategy. It may be a year, five years, or ten years, but it provides you a deadline to strive toward, allowing you to focus on getting your trade ready for buyers.

Plus, if conditions change in the meanwhile, you can adjust your exit strategy and make strategic trading selections to increase the value of your transaction.

Top 5 Exit Strategies For Cryptocurrency

1. Portfolio-based exits


Depending on your financial goals, you can exit by portfolio or by exiting out entirely. The success of this method is determined by the individual’s objectives. For instance, suppose you’ve invested $10,000 in the cryptocurrency market and require $30,000 to purchase something or pay your bills. Even when prices continue to rise, it is best to exit the market when the currency reaches $30,000. This is not a technique for everyone, but it is a good fit for a lot of people.

2. Exit and sell at the target price


One of the pro-crypto secrets is to use this method. It entails dividing the entire Bitcoin into five separate portions (or as many sections as you wish) and releasing (selling) them when the market reaches different prices.

For example, if you have a whole Bitcoin and it reaches a market value of $100,000, instead of exiting the position with only one position, try dividing it into five sections (you can go for more if you want).

3. Day trading


This trading method entails entering and exiting positions on the same day. The goal of a trader using this strategy is to profit from intraday price fluctuations in a cryptocurrency of his choice. Technical indicators are frequently used by investors to determine entry and exit points for specific cryptos in order to make a profitable transaction.

4. Limit/stop orders


Limit orders are one of the most common and well-known strategies to limit a loss or grab profits at a specific price range. This means you can specify ahead of time whether your stock will be automatically sold or bought at a certain price point. One technique to limit losses or take profits is to use limit/stop orders. However, bear in mind that in the event of significant price variations, your order may not be fulfilled on time! Having limit/stop orders in place, however, is always a good idea.

5. DCA/Step to Step Method


Dollar-Cost Averaging Out is another name for this method. Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is a purchase strategy in which you split your budget and buy one asset for a defined amount on a regular basis. You won’t have to consider the volatile nature of bitcoin this way. You simply buy and sell at set intervals.

The Step-by-Step Method allows you to sell a set percentage of your stocks at specific price points. There isn’t a single golden rule that guarantees success. This method, on the other hand, can keep you from getting overly greedy or selling too late while yet allowing you to benefit from time to time.


Exit strategies are just as crucial as investing strategies. You should understand how to obtain the profit and how to put it to good use. Drawing the money and not putting it to good use in order to generate more investment sounds ridiculous. You will have the profit in your grasp when you build a proper exit strategy, and if used appropriately, it will attract more money.