Crashing with a semi-truck is a nightmarish scenario for anyone in a passenger vehicle. Larger than the typical car, semi-trucks are a sight to behold. If you’re in a car crash, it’s safer to be hit by another car than by a semi-truck.
You might not know much about semi-trucks, despite the fact that you see them frequently when driving. Due to their specialized nature, semi-trucks have their own set of operational needs. A semi-truck poses a threat to other motorists if even one of its components is not functioning properly, click here for help.
Firstly, Semi-Tractor-Trailers called by a variety of names
A semi-truck is capable of pulling a semi-trailer with a substantial amount of freight. A semi-trailer can be hooked to the truck’s bed, and it also has its own engine. Semitrailers cannot operate without a tow vehicle. It requires being hitched to an automobile.
The names for semi-trucks are diverse. Their common names are 18-wheelers and big rigs. Semis can also be referred to as tractor-trailers or semi-tractors.
Secondly, it’s not easy to operate a semi-truck

There’s a reason why people who wish to operate semi-trucks need a specialized license. Semi-truck drivers are required to complete and pass specialized training courses and examinations before they can legally operate such vehicles. Driving a semi-truck is a huge responsibility that requires the driver to be extra vigilant.
Third, there is a high expectation of mileage from semi-truck drivers
Semi-truck drivers not only have to put in long hours maintaining their vehicle’s roadworthiness before hitting the road. Most semi-truck drivers will travel over 600 miles per day if they are allowed to do so legally and provided that they adhere to all posted speed limits. Long-distance driving may be tough on semi-truck drivers and their rigs.
Semi-truck drivers are expected to drive long distances despite the fact that they are required to take periodic breaks.
Semi-truck drivers are subject to high mileage expectations
Semi-truck drivers must not only make long trips while keeping their vehicles roadworthy. Semi-truck drivers can easily log 600 miles or more in a day if they stick to the posted speed limit. Long-distance driving may be tough for semi-truck drivers and their trucks.
Truck drivers are required to drive long distances despite mandatory rest stops.

Did you know?
– A fully-loaded semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, while the average passenger car weighs around 5,000 pounds.
– Semi-trucks take up to two football fields or more to come to a complete stop while traveling at highway speeds.
– Tractor-trailers have large blind spots on all four sides, including the front, back, and sides of the vehicle.
– The driver of a semi-truck sits much higher than a passenger car driver, which can make it difficult to see other vehicles on the road.
– Tire blowouts, brake failures, and overloaded cargo are some of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents.
These facts illustrate the importance of giving semi-trucks plenty of space on the road and being mindful of their limitations.