Tracking our vitals is a must if we want to understand our overall health condition and if there is anything that we need to do to become healthier and happier. One thing that we tend to forget about is our heart rate variability and most of us don’t even know that we need to keep track of this.
Here, we are going to talk about the importance of HRV and we will tell you how to track it. Keep on reading if you want to learn what is it, why it is something you need to keep track of, and what are the easiest ways to do that.
Why do you need to track it?

The first thing we are going to talk about is what heart rate variability is and why do you need this data. To put it in the simplest way, this is the time that passes between two beats of your heart. We were always taught that we need to check how fast or show our heartbeat is, but this interval between the two beats can sometimes be even more important.
It can tell you a lot about your overall health and stress levels, and if you measure it correctly and continuously, you will be able to understand if there is an underlying disease or if you are going through too much stress and if you need to do something about it.
To understand this better, you should know that by getting this information you will be able to read if the interval is normal, if there is too much time that passes between two beats, or if there is not enough time.
So, if your heart rate variability is high, it means that your body is healthy, that the food you consume digests properly, that you are doing a healthy amount of exercising and that your mental health state is also in check.
On the other hand, if it is too low, it can mean that you need to pay attention to your overall health, that you may be under too much stress currently, or that you are recovering from a stressful case. Note that if you take proper measurements and if you do them regularly, and if your HRV is constantly low, you need to do something about it and you need to consult with your GP.
As you can see on websites like Welltory.com, you can track your heart rate variability and take other vitals like your heart rate and your blood pressure with just one application, and you will get all the information that you need on how to improve your health and what you need to do to make things better for you. You can find this app on AppStore and you can easily download it on your phone with just a few simple steps.
How should you do it?

There are many different ways that you can do that, and the number one thing that is recommended is to consult with your GP and ask them to take this measurement. When you go to your doctor and talk to them about your HRV, they are going to be able to give you their best advice on moving forward, and they will tell you if there is any problem with your health, if there is an issue with the variability and what you can do to change that.
The problem with going to the doctor for this simple check-up is that you will still need to make an appointment, and if you are like most people, you will try and delay this for as long as possible. So, this is where the other options come into play that are much easier and faster.
There are a lot of simple solutions that you can find so you don’t have to go to the doctor to check your heart rate variability. The easiest thing you can do is download yourself a tracker that uses your phone’s camera to record your heartbeat as well as the time between each beat.
The great thing about apps like this is that you can find them on your AppStore or PlayStore and you can easily download and install them. Most of the apps are free for use and if you want the premium versions of them, you can get them for a really small monthly or yearly fee.

The HRV checkers should be used daily, and even though you don’t have to do this too often, it is better since you will have a deeper understanding if the measurements were correct the first time around, or if it was just an abnormal situation. Sometimes our heart rate can be elevated and the variability will be affected as well.
So, taking this measurement as often as you can is going to be extremely beneficial since you will know the pattern and if you need to react and consult with your GP or if your health is in a good state.
Note that you can easily connect your tracker with your smartwatch and other apps that take your vitals constantly, and you will get all the information automatically on the application that you are using. This way you won’t have to bother with taking your vitals manually, and your watch will do everything for you and sync with the main app that you are using.
You can then download and transfer the data and show it to your GP. Note that with the best apps you can find on the market, you will get deeper knowledge, understanding, and advice depending on your specific measurements.
If you want, you can get notified when you should do the next check, and if there is something that you should be concerned about. As you can see, heart rate variability is extremely important, and by tracking it, you will be able to know more about your overall health and habits. You will know if there is something that you need to pay attention to, and if there is something in your life that you need to change or improve.
You can easily track your HRV by using the right app, and you will have all the needed data and important information stored in one place. Make sure you choose the right one and always test it out before you choose to purchase it.