If you are making or renovating your home this is one important topic you need to analyze and consider implementing. Most of the known heating systems have an efficiency of no more than 70%, and besides that, there are many disadvantages. If you want to learn more about these heat recovery systems go check Exodraft and find more information.
In the process of ventilation, not only the exhaust air but also some of the heat energy is recycled from the room. In winter, this leads to an increase in energy bills. Reduce unnecessary costs, not at the expense of air changes, allow heat recovery in centralized and localized ventilation systems. Different types of heat exchangers – recuperators are used for heat recovery.
Residential unit air heating system utilizing masses of warm air. The main feature is that the air heated in the heat exchanger is transported through separate channels.

Today, we turn again to the experiences of our ancestors, modernizing their experience. The home heating stove system has been transformed into an entire complex, consisting of:
- Air heater (boiler, heat gun, etc.) with chimney. It removes volatile combustion products.
- Heat exchanger, heat exchanger or economizer with filter.
- A system of air ducts, fans, inlet, and exhaust valves, which provide for the input of cold masses from outside, the distribution of heating throughout the complex and its outflow.
There are two air heating systems: with gravity circulation and forced food. The former is based on the laws of physics and is more commonly applied in one-story apartment buildings. The second is done with the help of pumps and fans, requires an electrical connection. Through the air ducts, which adhere to the thickness of the walls and floors, the air spreads through the apartment, giving some of its heat and space heating. The cooled air masses are lowered, returned through the exhaust ducts and returned to the heat generator. In a forced-feed system, fresh air is taken in or out of the street, i.e. open or closed cycles.
Benefits of the air system

Manufacturers of heating equipment claim that air heating is increasingly popular. This is facilitated by factors such as:
- High level of profitability: no need to install pipes, install radiators, no heat buffer, which requires a lot of energy for heating.
- There is no risk of freezing or leaking.
- Air heating is perfectly combined with air conditioning and ventilation. That is, there is no need to buy an air conditioner for the summer, which saves considerable money.
- Quick heating of the living space. According to customer feedback, it takes half an hour for the temperature to reach a comfortable temperature even in cold weather.
- 90% efficiency
- No effect of flow and overheating of the room.
- Low noise during the active operation of the air heating system.
- Easy and quick installation without the use of many components.
- Duration of work with timely care and cleaning – up to 30 years.
People who used this recovery system said that recovery is characterized as the partial return of energy made to a technological action for application in the same process. The ventilation system uses the recovery principle to save thermal energy.
The energy recovery process is performed in a recuperative heat exchanger. The device ensures the presence of a heat exchange element and a fan for pumping multidirectional airflows. An automation system is used to control the process and control the quality of the air supply.
The design is designed so that the flow of supply and extraction is in separate compartments and not mixed – heat recovery is done through the walls of the heat exchanger.

The need for heat utilization is paramount in buildings with forced air evacuation. As a rule of thumb, these are low-energy structures erected using innovative thermal insulation technologies (sandwich panels, gas silicate panels, foam blocks). In such buildings, the walls are poorly stored in heat and natural air exchange is inefficient.
However, air circulation problems are also characteristic of traditional brick and concrete buildings. The presence of PVC sound insulation windows thermally sealed to block the flow of natural impulse – fresh air is stopped and the draft in the ventilation tubes tends to zero levels.
The home and private home recovery systems provide an influx of fresh air, allowing you to create a favorable microclimate for life. During the exchange process, hot and fresh air currents came into contact, causing heating. High efficiency and convenience have made installation very popular.
The operation of a home recovery system is almost identical to natural and forced ventilation. The main difference is that already heated air masses enter the room. Similar functionality for air conditioners, but this equipment is unstable, also requires the presence of freons.
A recovery system is a device that allows some heat to return, where the main element is the heat exchanger. Depending on the model, a non-return valve, fan or electric heater is included as standard. The construction of surface installations includes a double wall heat exchanger, the surfaces of which have high thermal conductivity.
The most important advantage of the installation is the savings in heating and the organization of delivery and exhaust ventilation in the room, which is especially relevant today for several reasons. Modern decoration, installation of plastic double windows and metal doors provide high tension. And natural ventilation in apartment buildings does not work well or does not cope with the tasks set.
The residential air recirculation system performs the following functions:

- Oxygen saturated air streams and cleaned of harmful impurities enter the room;
- Heating costs are reduced in winter.
By considering features and functionality, the following advantages may be distinguished:
- Cheap service;
- Heat losses are reduced to 50%;
- Life expectancy has been estimated in decades;
- The airstream enters a dwelling or house, free from dust, pollen and other impurities.
We hope we help you in understanding the heat recovery systems if you are planning to implement them in your new home.