Being a student is far from easy, especially when it comes to mental health. Even though you’re young, energized, and eager to party 24/7, there might be times when you feel pretty stressed.
You try to figure out your life, cope with endless assignments, survive group projects, socialize, and even get some time for yourself. No wonder that one day you might feel like you want to escape from all this stress. Though escapism could be rather tempting, it’s always better to learn how to cope with stressful situations rather than run away from them.
In this article, you’ll find some tips on how to destress that any student should try to feel happier and more relaxed.
Manage Your Time Wisely

It’s easier said than done but the time-management skill will come in handy to any student who masters it.
When you learn this skill, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and stressed about all the things that you need to do. As you gain control over your time, set priorities, and allow yourself some short breaks, you’ll stop stressing out about the school workload.
Besides, there is always someone out there to make your student life less stressful. For example, if you have an essay to submit and you’re pressed for time, you can rely on paperwritingservice.com platform to help you. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone, as you’ll get a top-notch essay and save time for something you find more important.

Exercising can help you boost the level of endorphins that the body produces to relieve stress, ease pain, and lift your mood. And if this is still not good enough for you, think about playing sports as a good excuse to take a break from doing homework.
Besides, exercising is said to improve self-esteem, which is necessary to perceive oneself in a positive light and live a happier life.
If you’re not exercising yet, how about doing yoga or running? The first one can help you control your breath and relax, while the second one might make you feel euphoric by causing a so-called “runner’s high.”
Do a Digital Detox

In our hyperconnected world, there’s just too much information and too many devices. Sometimes it’s a plus, but quite often the heavy use of digital devices can cause harm to your mental health. To protect yourself from information overload and reduce stress, try to do a digital detox once in a while.
Develop a habit of being unplugged for at least one day per week. To make the most of such a detox, you need to turn off push notifications, ignore your phone while taking meals, and use your devices only when it’s necessary. And nope, scrolling your Instagram feed isn’t a life-and-death matter.
Reducing screen time will benefit your mental health, as you’ll feel less anxious, stressed, and depressed. Besides, there’s a chance that you’ll become better at concentrating and finishing different tasks. Give yourself a break from all the bad news and the ways other people live their lives, it might be worth it.

Studying at college might be hard and stressful, especially when it’s time for submission deadlines and exams. A good way for students to distract themselves from angst and negativity is to learn how to meditate.
Meditation can help you ease your mind, reduce negative mind-wandering as well as improve your focus and memory. This is important, as your mental well-being and cognitive skills influence the studying progress.
If you feel like you need stress relief, think about getting an app to guide you through the basics of meditation and help improve your mental health. For example, you can use the app called Headspace to start learning some of the techniques.
Start a Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal will work wonders for you, as you’ll get used to noticing all the great moments and things in your life. Start by picking a journal that brings you aesthetic joy. Write regularly, for example, every night before you go to bed. Mention everything that has made you happy during the day, even something as simple as a cup of tea or a hug of a friend.
Whenever you feel thankful, share this amazing feeling with your journal. It won’t take you too much time, but its positive effect won’t be long in coming. And as a student life might sometimes feel chaotic, your notes will help you remember what was going well.
Besides, joy while rereading such a journal is guaranteed.
Wrapping Up
Taking care of one’s mental health is important at any stage of life. It’s critical during your college years, as you might question yourself, face information overload, and stress out often.
At times, getting help from psychologists and counsellors can be helpful. Reading up on more mental health related information such as this article can let you learn more about the common mental health issues and how to prevent them.
Help yourself by managing time, exercising, unplugging, meditating, and keeping a gratitude journal. This way, you’ll be able to easily cope with any stressful situation or feeling low. For more information on your mental health, click here.
Enjoy the “happiness hormones” rush!