
Simply put, supporters of quiet resigning don’t have to work extra hard or try to impress their managers with excessive productivity, effectiveness, or efficiency. They have to regain their work-life balance by sticking to the tasks that are inside their job requirements and working the hours that they are assigned.

Additionally, as a manager, you may wonder what is causing this strong employee reaction, what the reasons are for this silent riot, and what you can do if the quiet resignation starts to damage your productivity and business success. Many of them sought out a complex worker monitoring system in order to track and gauge staff productivity as a result.

Here, you’ll find all the information you need to better understand this most recent office trend, learn how to sharpen your managerial skills, and learn how to bring your workers back on track in terms of engagement and productivity.

What Motivates the Quiet Quitting Pattern?


There are a lot of potential justifications for Quiet Quitting as well. Many people involved in unraveling its reasons also concur that this trend reflects the post-Covid workplace atmosphere, where employees are rethinking their ideals and looking for greater work/life balance and adaptability.

According to a Gallup survey, nearly 50% of US employees say they are neither fully engaged in their work nor completely disengaged from it, which suggests they are only doing what is necessary to keep their jobs.

The Redefined Concept of Productivity

According to a simple financial model, the more widgets a worker produces in an hour, the more commission they get. Also known as “marginal pay,” this is. Therefore, your pay will increase the more productive you are.

It’s difficult to gauge employee productivity and results in the more sophisticated digital workplace that the data industry uses. As remote and hybrid work has become more prevalent, this activity has become significantly more challenging.

However, it might help your workers to turn out to be extra time-efficient and productive if you use this tool openly while respecting their rights and privacy. While you should use monitoring data to make educated decisions and develop into a better manager who can identify and address employee needs.

Redistribute the workload and establish attainable goals


If your workforce becomes overburdened with work, they may decide to quietly leave. And it is a shoddy attempt to safeguard their psychological and physical health, which are threatened by overworking and burnout.

If you see that highly productive employees suddenly start to slack off and underperform, dig deeper into the monitoring information to identify the root causes of this productivity decline.


Higher Perceive Quitting, you should have seen this coming. Now that employee monitoring has more or less become the norm in most workplaces, it’s time to start trading in your old perception of this system and looking at it in a new light. The list below gives you a brief overview of the facts and figures behind Higher Perceive Quiet Quitting as well as why your workforce could really benefit from it.