Electric bikes are becoming more popular in countries such as Australia. This environmentally friendly mode of transport lets you save on costly fuel prices while doing your bit for the planet by reducing your carbon footprint.
E-bikes are fun and relatively speedy for getting from A to B PLUS they’re cheaper alternatives to electric cars.
If you’re one of the Australian cyclists opting to use electric bicycles to get around, having the right toolkit is essential.
When you purchase an e-bike a basic toolkit may not be included so if you intend to do all repairs yourself, you must equip yourself with some handy tools.
Including items such as portable EV chargers could save you from running out of power when you’re out and about! We listed all you need for this new mode of transport.
8 Things E-Bike Riders Should Have in Their DIY Toolkit
1. Allen Keys
Allen keys are useful for performing repairs when you’re on the road – make sure you get the portable type that can be kept in your saddle bag.
They’re used to tighten various parts of the e-bike such as the handlebar or seat post. Allen keys come in handy when you need to get to those hard-to-reach bolts without rounding them off.
Pro tip: When doing maintenance work on your e-bike at home, use larger Allen or hexagonal keys.
2. Torque Wrench

Using a torque wrench for your e-bike allows you to tighten bolts, safely and efficiently. You can adjust bolts according to the manufacturer’s torque specifications without causing damage to your electric bike.
A premium-quality torque wrench makes it possible to tighten lightweight and delicate components with the correct rotational force.
This tool lets you adhere to the torque rating stamped or printed on the e-bike’s component and ensures you don’t default on the manufacturer’s warranty.
3. Needle-Nose Pliers
If there’s one tool that’s an absolute must-have in every e-bike’s toolkit, it’s the needle-nose plier. This multipurpose tool can replace most other tools, saving you from having to carry a multitude of items in your toolkit.
Needle-nose pliers are handy for grasping small components, pulling nails out of tyres and performing simple cutting work.
Invest in premium-quality needle-nose pliers so they do the job efficiently, last long and give you value for your money.
4. Screwdrivers
No matter what you’re using your toolkit for, every handyman must have a set of screwdrivers in it! E-bikers will find them extremely handy for:
- Adjusting derailleurs
- Repairing or adjusting the brake system
- Performing maintenance tasks
Save time, money and frustration by investing in a quality set of flat blade and cross-head screwdrivers in your e-bike toolkit.
5. Charging Cable

Keeping a spare charging cable in your toolkit or saddle bag will ensure you never run out of power when you’re out and about on your e-bike.
With more places setting up charging stations around cities and towns, it’s become easier to charge your e-bike away from home. But, make sure you have the right cable when using e-bike charging stations or EV chargers.
Some e-bikers are investing in a portable EV charger. Simply, do your homework and check that your battery can withstand the tension.
6. Torx Wrenches
Torx wrenches are gaining popularity in the electric bike world as they work well for fixing electronics. Torx wrenches are similar to Allen keys except they have a six-pointed head design.
E-bikers use them for tasks commonly associated with the aero bar, gear shifter and disk rotors. This tool comes in various sizes but experts suggest you invest in the smaller size.
Avoid buying a cheap Torx wrench as you’ll end up with poor-quality workmanship and even damage to your expensive e-bike.
7. Patch Kit and Tyre Pump

Keeping a patch kit and tyre pump in your toolkit will save the day when you get a flat and you’re nowhere near a garage or home.
You can purchase a complete patch kit with all the necessary accessories or fill a small container with patches, strong glue and sandpaper for your own DIY set.
When using the pump to inflate a flat or repaired tyre, make sure you know which pressure is appropriate.
If patching doesn’t solve the flat tyre, replacing the inner tube should solve the problem. If space allows for it, keep a spare inner tube in your toolkit.
8. Bike Stand
You don’t want to cart a bike stand with you when traveling on the road, but it’s useful to have when doing repairs and maintenance in your home garage.
A bike stand keeps your e-bike upright and stable while you perform various tasks on it. It makes it easier to reach all parts of your e-bike without worrying about it toppling over and getting damaged!
The bike stand is also handy for storing and charging your e-bike safely when parked in your garage.
Final Thoughts

It’s been estimated that over 359,000 e-bikes have been purchased by Australian cyclists in the past couple of years.
If you’re part of the statistics, you know the importance of keeping your e-bike in good working order to get the most out of it.
Having an e-bike repairs and maintenance toolkit at home and on the road ensures you keep moving smoothly and enjoying your investment optimally.