Japan is one of the fastest developing countries nowadays, and it’s definitely one of those places you have to visit at least once in your lifetime. Japan is known to be the perfect place to study or live for many reasons. Firstly, it’s peaceful and there’s a lot of order and discipline, so those looking for such things will be more than happy for moving there. Next, Japan is known to have one of the best and strictest education systems, so you cannot go wrong with this investment. If you want to get the most knowledge and experience that money can get you, this is definitely the right place to be at.
But, it’s not all work and study. Japan has one of the coolest night-life opportunities, amazing history, tons of things to see and do, and last but not least, warm-hearted people to meet. A lot of people that studied abroad in Japan said that it was quite hard to leave after making so many relationships there. Most of those people ended up staying there permanently.
In 2024, as a student, you should definitely consider Japan as the place to be. In the student stage of life, there’s nothing more important than education. If you are still not convinced, worry not, because we’re here to help you learn more about this country. Take a look at these top seven reasons why you should study in Japan.
1. Safety and low crime rate – Perfect for students

Japan is known to be one of the safer countries, which is pretty different than some parts of the United States for example. The police in Japan are present quite a lot and there aren’t any “bad” parts that you should be avoided in case you want to study there.
From a global perspective, this country is also pretty safe. Japan doesn’t have any conflicts with other countries. In terms of internal conflicts, Japanese people are considered pretty warmhearted to those living in their country, and there aren’t any known conflicts that happened between locals and immigrants or locals and students in the past few years.
2. A strong educational system that follows all modern trends

A world-class educational system that doesn’t fail anyone who gives it a chance. It’s a known thing that Japanese people are perfectionists and the same thing applies in their universities. Did you know that this country has the highest amount of Nobel Prize winners in Asia? There are some universities in Japan that are ranked as #1 for certain fields.
3. Time of Graduation

If you’re looking to study here, you’ll probably need your stuff transferred. Or, if you already graduated after a few years of living in Japan, it’s time to take your things back to your old country. The best thing to do is to get them transferred through a reliable and reputable company. Check this out if you are out of choices or you’ve never done this in the past.
4. The universities are not as expensive and well worth it

It’s not very expensive to study in Japan, especially if you manage to get a scholarship or any other type of discount due to your previous results in high-school. You don’t have to pay huge amounts of money and if you start showing some amazing results, you can easily get a scholarship in the next year that’s going to decrease your costs by a lot. Of course, this will vary depending on what you choose to study, but still, it’s a lot cheaper than in the United States.
5. Chance for a drastic lifestyle change

This country will help you live a lifestyle, unlike anything you’ve done before. You’ll quickly and easily adapt to the lifestyle people have there and you’ll most certainly love it. There’s so much to do in Japan, and no matter what kind of a person you are, you’ll find an entire subculture for your interests.
6. A country that advances at a quick pace

Japan is one of the quickest advancing countries in the world, and just the feeling of living there can be a huge impact on your motivation to learn and improve as an individual. You’ll also be able to be in touch with all the latest technologies at all times since people in this country are huge enthusiasts of technology trends, gadgets, and brands of the IT field.
7. Culture unlike any other

If you want to live in a place that has a very interesting culture then this is the right choice for you. You have a lot to learn and tons of things to see regarding the culture of this country. Rich history and tons of important historical moments in the form of monuments and a lot more. Their modern culture, food, lifestyle, and everything else is just amazing. It’s a mix of a modern country with breathtaking nature and leading power in many different industry spheres.
Japan has tons of positive sides and if you ever decide to visit, you’ll be a witness to that. It’s one of the fastest advancing countries in the world in terms of technology, trends, education, and a lot more. Japan is wonderful, and a great opportunity for students who want to invest in their future. Unlike many other European countries, for example, Japan is not as expensive when it comes to studying there. One year of university is not nearly as expensive as in the United States, where it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Jluggage.com is a website where you can learn more about transferring your things from Japan into another country upon graduating. It’s an international moving company based in Japan with years of experience and a good reputation.
Since studying and work are not the only things that matter in the life of a student, it’s worth mentioning that Japan has a lot to offer for your stay lifestyle-wise and culture-wise as well. You’ll never feel bored or alone, not for a moment. There’s always something to do in this cool country.