No one is perfect, and that includes our sexual lives. Though we may do our best to be mindful of our partner’s needs and desires, there are always going to be things we don’t know about their sexual health. It is important to be proactive and learn as much as possible about the sexual health of your partner in order to keep both of you safe and happy.
In this article, we’ll cover 9 things that you should know about your partner’s sexual health.
So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Overall Health Status
It is important to know if your partner is generally healthy or not. This can affect their sexual health in a number of ways.
If they have any chronic health conditions, it is important to be aware of how this may impact their sex life.
For example, if they have diabetes, they may experience erectile dysfunction. Additionally, certain medications can also impact sexual function.
Bonus Tip: What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection. It can be caused by physical problems, psychological issues, or a combination of both. ED can lead to reduced self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. It can also affect your relationship with your partner. There are treatments available that can help you manage ED. These include medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy.
If you’re experiencing ED, talk to your doctor about your options. They can help you find the best treatment plan for you. You may also do your own research to learn more about ED and its treatments.
For instance, if you live in Australia, you can visit vitylman.com to find information about erectile dysfunction treatments that are available in your country. With the right treatment, you can manage your ED and improve your quality of life.
Mental Health Status
Mental health and sexual health are closely linked. If your partner is struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition, it can take a toll on their sexual health.
They may struggle with low libido, erectile dysfunction, or difficulty climaxing. If you are concerned about your partner’s mental health, be sure to talk to them about it and encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional.
Sexual History

It is important to know your partner’s sexual history in order to gauge what STDs they may be at risk for.
If your partner has had multiple partners or unprotected sex, they may be more likely to have contracted an STD. Knowing their sexual history will help you better understand how to protect yourself and your partner.
Family History
Knowing your partner’s sexual history is just as important as knowing their family history. If there are any hereditary conditions that run in the family, they may be more likely to experience problems with their sexual health.
Additionally, if anyone in their family has had sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they may be at a higher risk for contracting them as well.
Current Sexual Practices
You should always be aware of the sexual practices your partner is currently engaging in. This includes things like whether or not they are using protection, how often they are having sex, and with whom.
It is important to know this information so that you can make sure you are both on the same page regarding safe sex practices and so that you can be aware of any potential risks.
Use of Birth Control Methods

One of the most essential things to know about your partner’s sexual health is what kind of birth control they are using if any. This is important for a few reasons. First, it will help you understand how likely it is that your partner could get pregnant. Second, it will help you understand what STDs they may be at risk for. And third, it will give you an idea of how sexually active they are.
If your partner is not using any form of birth control, then you should be aware that they are at a much higher risk for both pregnancy and STDs. If they are using birth control pills, then you should know that they are still at risk for STDs, though the risk is lower than if they were not using any form of birth control.
STD History
STD is short for sexually transmitted diseases. It is important to know your partner’s STD history not only for your own safety but also because some STDs are asymptomatic. This means that a person can have an STD and not show any symptoms.
As such, they may be unaware that they have an STD and could unknowingly pass it on to you. It is best to get tested for STDs together so that you can both be sure of your status and take the necessary precautions if needed.
Last HIV Test

HIV is a virus that can lead to AIDS, which is a debilitating and often deadly disease. There is no cure for HIV, but there are treatments available that can prolong a person’s life.
It is important to know when your partner was last tested for HIV because the virus can take up to three months to show up on a test.
If your partner has not been recently tested, it is important to use condoms during sex and get tested yourself after any potential exposure.
Last Herpes Test
Herpes is a virus that can cause sores around the mouth or genitals. It is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact, and it can be passed even if there are no symptoms present.
Herpes is a lifelong virus, which means that once someone has it, they will have it for their entire life.
While there are treatments available to manage herpes, there is no cure. This is why it’s so important to know your partner’s status before engaging in any type of sexual activity.
If you or your partner has herpes, it’s important to take precautions to prevent transmitting the virus to others. This includes using condoms and avoiding sex during outbreaks.
Make Sure that Your Sex Life is Healthy and Enjoyable

Sexual health is an important part of any relationship. If you’re looking for ways to keep your sexual health and that of your partner in check, start by using the tips outlined in this article.
By being aware of your partner’s sexual health and taking steps to maintain good sexual health yourselves, you can help ensure that your relationship is healthy and fulfilling!