Vinyl printing is an extremely popular trend, and if you are looking to start your own business in this field, then you need to know what you can do to find solutions for the most common problems. Here, we are going to list some of the most common vinyl printing mistakes, and we will give you some tips on how to avoid them. Keep on reading to find out how you can take your business to the next level, and how to ensure your customers’ satisfaction.
Not Utilizing the Right Font

The first thing that you should always consider when it comes to the design of the print is the font. More often than not, we use different types of text and words for our creation, and we want to either show off our brand, or we just want to create a product that will appeal to our customers. The easiest way to do that is with the font, and if you don’t choose the right one, you risk sending the wrong message.
Know that the font needs to be chosen depending on the materials that you use, the size, the type of print that you are going to choose, as well as the colors you utilize. Different color models will result in different qualities when it comes to fonts, so be extremely careful about your decision.
Not Choosing the Right Materials
The printable vinyl materials are going to make a huge difference in the result, so you need to know what you are working with. You can play around with different finishes as well, and as you can see on platforms like HTVRONT, you can opt for a matte or a glossy finish that will help you send the message that you want.
You are looking for materials that will be long-lasting, and that is not going to crack after a few days or weeks of use. Note that the best materials will not get damaged when they come in contact with heat or water, so they can be easily washed and ironed. You should purchase materials that are going to be specialized for your product, so for example, if you create vehicle stickers or clothes, you need to pay more attention to the outside environment and challenges that your products are going to face, and choose the right material that will survive the test of time.
When collaborating with services like HTVRONT, you can purchase inkjet printable vinyl that is going to be water-resistant and that is going to stand the test of time. These models are not going to curl in time, and they are not going to jam your printer when you create the design. Make sure you understand what the service is offering you, and always purchase your materials from places that are highly recommended and trustworthy.
Not Knowing the Difference Between Color Models
There are two main color models that we utilize when doing vinyl printing, and they include CMYK and RGB color technologies. They are completely different and they will give separate results. Many users are asking which one is the better of the two, and in reality, it all depends on what you want to achieve.
According to the Printing Tips, they can both be the right and the wrong choice, depending on the material that you use for printing, as well as the design, press settings, along with the background of the product. Learn as much as you can about both types and see which ones you should utilize depending on your specific product and goal.
Making Mistakes in the Content
Another thing that you have to be extremely careful about is the content. There have been too many times when the design is perfect, the aligning and the bleeding are proper, the color models are chosen carefully, and then there is a mistake in the print.
Because of this, you have to proofread all of your content, and you can also do that using platforms online before you even get to the machine settings. This is going to save you a lot of time and trouble, and you will avoid one of the worst possible things – a client noticing your error far after you’ve produced batches of the same product and design.
Layering the Vinyl Improperly
If you have been in this business for a long time, you probably know that one of the easiest ways to create a deep design and to create images that look so unique and different is to just layer vinyl on top of each other. This is an amazing idea, as long as you know what you are doing, and as long as you know how to do it.
There are some materials that you can print on again and again, and there are those models of vinyl that should not be printed on. If you want to use glitter, metallic heat transfer types, or holographic, either save them for the last layer or don’t use them along with other models at all. They look perfectly good on their own, and if you implement them in your layering design you may end up with a product that looks messy and inconsistent.
Not Knowing What You Can Print on
Lastly, you should know what you can and cannot print on. Even though there are going to be some printable materials, it does not mean that you should do that unless it is an extremely important part of the design. If there are any bulky seams on the product, if there are things like buttons or zippers, you should avoid printing on them at all costs. This is going to ruin the overall look of the graphics and it is going to create an uneven surface.
You want the design to be properly visible both from a long distance and when someone is looking closely, and by printing on things like zippers and seams, your product will look poorly made, improperly designed, and just cheap.
Have all of these things in mind when creating the design, and know that the first thing you should always start with is a plan. Create the design, make a test product, see if everything is aligning properly and if things look perfect, and only them create your goods in bulk.
Don’t forget to use the proper materials, and look for a service that is going to provide you with the best materials in your budget. If needed, collaborate with professionals, and know that making mistakes is part of the learning curve.