As the number of positive COVID-19 cases increase in countries such as China, Americans are now going into self-isolation. Millions are forced into quarantine until the pandemic subsides. While it is traumatizing and hard for most Americans to stay indoors, it gives everyone the pleasure of having time.
People now face an excessive amount of time that they’ve never experienced before. Now, the question is, how do you spend the time that you have, well? Luckily, there are plenty of things to do indoors or even in your own backyard. Here are ten hobbies you can do during quarantine:
1. Baking

It’s time to bring out your inner baker. It’s time to stop binge-watching The Great British Bakeoff and try those delicious and delectable desserts yourself. Bring our your inner sweet-tooth and creativity by whipping up your very own sweet masterpiece. The best thing about baking is you get to share it with everyone or keep it to yourself.
2. Do Yoga
Yoga is the ultimate way to get those stressful thoughts out of the way. With everything that’s been going on outside, doing yoga might be the one thing you need the most. A little bit of meditation, breathwork, and conscious movement can do wonders, especially during troubling times.
For beginners, don’t be afraid to start slow. Do yoga at your own pace. Use your time this quarantine to insert at least a few minutes for a good morning stretch on your yoga mat. Doing yoga also helps you to enhance your flexibility for those having a hard time doing any flexible movements. Overall, yoga will not only make you flexible but, more importantly, feel more relaxed and at peace.
3. Watercolor Painting

Bring out your inner Bob Ross by trying out watercolor painting. It might not be the same as Bob Ross,’ but it’s an excellent place to start. Let out your inner artist by opening up that unused watercolor pallet that you thought you’d never use. The watercolor painting itself is therapeutic, even if the picture isn’t what you expect it to be, art is still art. Watercolor painting is an excellent way of unleashing your creativity and expressing yourself.
4. Embroidery and Designing
Embroidery can be a little intimidating for some people because it involves a very detailed approach. But not many realize that embroidery is just art sewed on a piece of fabric. If you have a needle and embroidery floss or even a simple string, then you’re good to go.
You can begin by trying out all the essential thread works. You can learn different techniques online.
5. Learn A New Instrument

There’s no better time to learn how to play the guitar or piano when you have nothing to do. It’s time to let out the inner Rockstar that you were always mean to be. Any instrument could do. Be it a rusty guitar or an old piano. The beautiful thing about music is that no matter how old it is, it can still make a sound. If the guitar is your instrument of choice and you’re not sure what brand or type of guitar you will be getting, then best to check for online resources that provide reviews and buying guides. If you want to add extra challenge on your guitar playing journey, you can get yourself a DIY guitar kit featured on MusicCritic and have it built or customized yourself!
Don’t be afraid if you start badly because every successful musician that you see today used to be like you. Who knows, you might even whip up a song that would someday make it to the top 100.
6. Gardening
Many have started gardening thanks to the pandemic again, and there’s no wonder why. Gardening can be very therapeutic and very fulfilling. Seeing your hard work literally stem into something beautiful is fulfilling on a whole different level.
It’s time to clean that backyard and turn it into something that suits your needs. Turn your backyard into a garden of greens that could sustain you through the whole quarantine. You can even plant flowers, whatever suits your taste.
7. Knitting

Start your arts and crafts journey with a little bit of old school knitting. Throw out that misconception that knitting is only for older people because now everyone’s doing it. With a few simple tools and basics, you can knit yourself your very own sweater. But knitting sweaters isn’t all that knitting has to offer. You can make scarfs, pillows, hats, and even a stuffed animal.
There are so many simple patterns that you can follow and it still can end up looking something different. Knitting lets you become the inner designer that you’ve always wanted to be.
8. Read A Book
This quarantine, stop window shopping and start reading. Open that book that you’ve been putting off and finally read it. Because of the endless work that you’ve had to finish beforehand, you might’ve forgotten what it feels to read leisurely. Quarantine is the perfect time for this because now you’ve got all the time in the world.
Open a book and let yourself wonder again, who knows, you might learn something from reading that book you’ve always ignored. With the power of the internet, you can find many books online for free. Browse through couponlawn.com for deals and discounts but nothing beats a good old hard copy.
9. Learn A New Language

Explore and challenge yourself by learning a new language. Learning a new language is hard, but once you got it, it can change your life. There are many ways to learn a new language. You can zoom one of your multilingual friends or even turn to the internet for help.
Plus, learning a new language helps you understand their culture as well.
10. Cooking
Everybody is trying to be independent this quarantine, and there’s no better sign of independency than learning to cook. Change your daily routine of online fast food delivery or even just eating a pack of chips for lunch. It’s time to start eating better and healthier. After all, there’s no better time to start cooking than today.
While the coronavirus is continuously affecting the world, we are doing our part by staying indoors. Although staying indoors for an indefinite number of days can take a toll on that person. So, entertaining ourselves is the best that we can do, for now.