There is a growing believe that only Hollywood celebrities have the capability to alter their appearance using plastic surgery. But with the plastic surgery involvement of Kristen Wiig such believes has been dashed out.
Kristen Wiig comedy career has been given an upgrade given the fact that she has undergone plastic surgery to improve her looks. She recently underwent a nose job and the result has been well spoken off throughout the internet and the public at large.
Her decision to undergo a nose job highlights the fact that she wasn’t pleased with her natural nose shape simply because she might have felt that it wasn’t best suited for her facial appearance and personality. The plastic surgery that she underwent has provoked different opinions with some been fans and the other criticism. You can find more about plastic surgery at www.drbaker.com.
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Kristen Wiig Plastic Surgery

The criticism levied at her have been because they felt that she should have been contented with her natural nose rather than taking the risk to undergo the procedure which may have eventually resulted into a negative result if gone bad or not properly done by an effective and efficient plastic surgeon.
Judging from her older photos and that of the recent ones, her nose area have completely undergone a proper change in appearance. The previous nose shape didn’t look much attractive bulbous in size but with the plastic surgery already done, it looked well refined with the tip very pointed and the bridge slimmer.
Her previous nose shape that looked less attractive was best suited for her based on her career according to the opinion of some sections of individuals who also felt that she needed not to undergo plastic surgery to improve her look.

But it shouldn’t be forgotten that most females enjoy the fact that their nose look pointed and very attractive. If such feats are not reached naturally they involve themselves with plastic surgery to enable such results to be reached. Kristen has done same thing too and it has resulted in a more desired result that can be used as encouragement for those looking to undergo a nose job too.
Born on August 2 1973, Kristen Wiig is also another female celebrity that the internet believes has been under the knife to make some modifications to her face. She became a more popular face in the entertainment industry for her role in the movie Bridesmaid in 2011 which she also wrote too. However, fans and the entire public believe that the actress went under the knife to make some modification to her nose.
The Kristen Wiig plastic surgery carried out on her nose made her nose look quite thinner. They also made her nasal bridge to elevate in height and this in turn led to her nose no longer looking wider but thinner. The nose job by Kristen Wiig turned out to be quite great and beneficial as she now looks beautiful and better than before. She is also yet to make any comments regarding the Kristen Wiig plastic surgery remarks.