Mike Jeffries Plastic Surgery – Bad Male Celebrity Plastic Surgery
CEO’s are not often included in the celebrity list of Liftingpost.com. But this is an exception. We couldn’t leave out Mike Jefferies because of his too much use of plastic surgery on his face. We just wanted to show you the results of over use of plastic surgery treatments such as Botox, Nose Job, and Liposuction.
Abercrombie & Fitch ads are known for featuring young women and men with good looks and body. CEO Mike Jefferies must have been carried away the appearance of other co actors in the advertisement. He is using excessive plastic surgery on his face, maybe he wants to become high school star again. Well, Mike you are old now. You can’t be young 20 years old again.
Mike Jefferies is living his sixties. His actions tell us that he is feeling insecure about his body and has planned to spend his entire retirement fund on plastic surgery. But bigger bucks can’t get one an impossibly beautiful face.
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It looks like Mike had brow lift, facelift and Restylane injections. He has overused all of these treatments and now looks like a sandwiched clown. Especially the Restylane injections on his lips have given him a permanent allergic face.
Dr. Trot Coffman, a reconstructive and facial plastic surgeon says,” Mike Jefferies have clearly used plastic surgery on his face” He says fillers; facelift and brow lift signs are obvious on his face. Overall, the work done on Mike Jefferies face is aggressive and additional work in future could be done to improve the appearance.
Dr. Michael Clayton, Miami Plastic surgeon says, “He has used too many types of filler in lips and pout”. Also, he adds that too much use of Botox can paralyze the eyebrow muscles and give a droopy appearance. Mike Jefferies already has this appearance on his face. We advise his not to get more changes as it can impair his face further and cause health risks.
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Mike Jeffries plastic surgery as most people know did not go down as planned and there isn’t any need wanting the man to come out and admit or deny if he ever went under the knife as the result finally speaks for itself. Mike Jeffries tried out facelift and botox and trust me, he didn’t get the best results out of the process. Most people try out botox and facelift only to see if the can delay or stop signs of aging as well as trying to look younger than their actual age.
Another surgery that is likely to be part of Mike Jeffries plastic surgery is the use of lip injection and his lips looks more nutritious and thicker compared to before. However, many fans condemned the use of lip injection because they believe it wasn’t needed or necessary. Most fans tried understanding that he tried out botox and facelift because he was aging but what they find unnecessary or not needed is the use of lip injections or even Rhinoplasty.