A vacation home is a wonderful place where you can escape from everyday routine, and keeping them secure is very beneficial. Unfortunately, vacation homes are often subject to burglary, vandalism, and trespassing due to being vacant for a long time span.
Staying in a vacation home is preferred by everyone, but people are a little scared of the thought of being robbed or broken into. There are millions of things that people will tell and scare you with but don’t worry, every vacation homeowner incorporates some safety measures for travelers.
Vacation homes are a great alternative to hotel rooms. They provide all the benefits such as Airbnb cleaning services and cooking facilities from Vacationhomehelp, i.e., all this is at home, and these are comfortable enough. Leaving the vacation home empty as vacation winds down also create security issues that require proper addressing.
Below are some simple tips which you can incorporate to ensure that the vacation homes & valuables are kept safe from unwanted visitors while you are away. These includes:
1. Have a monitored security system installed:

Installing a regular CCTV camera can seem safe and secured to look after the home. After installing a security camera, the security company must pay regular visits to keep a check on the camera’s functioning. With full monitored security systems, it’s like someone is looking out on the property like a guardian or security guard.
With monitored security, you can get real-time footage whenever and anywhere you want. With the help of smart applications, you keep a check on vacation homes.
With this facility, you even get a notification when someone is trying to attempt forceful entry into the house, and the alarms then go off, which alerts the neighbors. One of the key benefits of a security system is that it works all time and keeps us updated.
2. Secure Windows & Doors:

Often, it is observed that vacation homes have a lot of small windows that remain open for ventilation keeping the guests reminded that they would not be visiting the house for another few days.
Most of the burglaries are done through unforced entries, especially through windows and sometimes weak door locks. When burglars look into houses, they know they don’t have to put too much effort and enter the house quickly without getting noticed or being alarmed about. By securing windows and doors, we can skip these mishappenings.
The best way to avoid such mishaps happening to the house is by installing secure smart locks on the windows and doors with passcodes and alarm systems.
Then if someone tries to forcefully enter the house, the alarms start ringing, neighbors get alert, and notification is received. Individuals must lock all doors and windows properly before leaving.
Even the slide doors must be locked with security bars. Individuals must lock the basement or back doors and install deadbolts at the external doors.
3. Spare keys:

Homeowners must make sure to never leave a spare key under the doormat or in a hide-a-key spot. This is an easy target for burglars and would give them easy access to the vacation home. Instead of doing this, the homeowner must leave the key with a trusted neighbor or friend who lives nearby.
Individuals must now even consider using a smart home door lock. This will allow access only to you to the house, even if the key is lost or forgotten. In order to avoid burglars in the house, the better option is to install a smart lock that you can use to control the app.
4. Make your home look occupied:

An empty home is a vulnerable home. Burglars, thieves notice patterns when looking for a target. By using smart home technology light, you can set timers for the light to come on, making it appear that someone stays at home.
Even if you have parked a car in your house, make sure that it is cleaned on a daily basis. Burglars notice that if the car is not moving or collects dirt, the house becomes easy prey to them. If a house looks vacant, it’s an open invitation to a burglar, so make sure the place looks like someone is living even when you aren’t there.
Make your home look lively by holding the mail at the post office, hiring an occasional house sitter to check in on the property, and getting creative.
5. Keep good records of the belongings:

The individual must create an inventory sheet of the important possessions in the vacation home as this will easily identify if something is absent. Record the serial number of valuable electronics items on a spreadsheet or some other type of organized list.
Often it is observed that some people think it is not necessary to mingle or get to know people in their neighborhood. Close-knit neighborhoods generally tend to experience decreased break-in rates.
By getting in close touch with neighbors, you can ask them to put off frequently added gadgets such as newspapers or packages. This will also convince them to sometimes maybe take care of the house.
People usually give too much thought to securing the vacation home until after break-in or burglary has occurred.
Individuals must even get to know the neighbors and let them know when you won’t be there at the vacation home. Exchanging phone numbers allows your neighbors to text or call you if they observe any suspicious activity.
So, the next time you stop by your vacation home, you can put all these security measures into consideration for preserving security. We hope this post has provided some valuable information that can be used to help secure the vacation home.
Do not worry so much about how to secure your vacation home. If you follow the tips that we mentioned above, you can be completely peaceful. However, more importantly, is to make sure to have fun while you are on vacation. One of the many ideas that can make your vacation unforgettable you can find on Vacations Made Easy