Looking at most comments nowadays, only a small amount of people share the thoughts that Gwen Stefani has undergone a surgical process. Change without any form of hesitation is inevitable and Gwen Stefani who has been dishing out tracks since the 90’s is clearly a public figure.
Gwen Stefani was the lead singer of the No Doubt and at 45 today, Gwen Stefani is presently a fashion designer, award winning artist, mother of three lovely kids and also a songwriter without forgetting to add that she is a coach on “ The Voice” and also a spokesperson of the L’Oreal Paris. Now let us look at how Gwen Stefani has transformed over the years.
One picture from 1996 showed Gwen Stefani with skinny eye brows, strange low lights, wearing a bindi alongside a marsala first generation lipstick and her nose had a very wide shape no one could help but notice. In subsequent years, pictures revealed that her love for dark lipstick, bindi and brows continued.
Fast forward to 2001, Gwen Stefani unleashed a new look where red lipstick and blonde hair because her signature look with her brows looking quite softer but no change was made on the inner lip.
When she turned 34, it was quite noticeable how Gwen always drawing much the upper lip line and other pictures that followed after she turned 34 also showed that her face seemed more angular and narrower, therefore indicating that something has changed about the singers face but it wasn’t something that was very easy to detect. Maybe her brows were now more lifted or it was just the kabuki look!
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People have reasons to believe that the singer has carried out surgeries on her cheek, lips and face and according to Dr Anthony Youn, Gwen Stefani eyes looked more open and her brows more lifted than normal indicating that an operation called “BLEPHAROPLASTY” was carried out on her face. Her forehead also seems incredibly smooth which also is a sign of the use of Botox injection while the use of chemical peels proves to be the only explanation why her skin looks so flawless.
Despite all of the Gwen Stefani plastic surgery rumors claiming she has been under the knife for over four times just to spice up her beauty and glam, Gwen Stefani has hit back at all of these rumors and urged her fans not to believe in such rumors leveled against her. Gwen publicly disclosed that all thanks to her makeup, she is able to look more beautiful and attractive.
Nose surgery rumors is one allegation Gwen Stefani has had to put up with for a long time now as there are people who strongly believe that she modified her nose layout through a nose surgery or Rhinoplasty. Pictures of her in the past showed that she had a very thick nose but looking at her present pictures today, it doesn’t seem so anymore. Her nose now looks more toned and thinner but we are quite sure that Gwen would still say it’s the work of her makeup.