PMP is short for Project Management Professional, and the official certification is approved and recognized in so many countries worldwide. It can help you land the job you want, as a project manager, and give you more chances to be better in this industry. This certification will also improve your chances to be seen by the recruiters because they will know you are eligible for that position. Also, it will immediately put you on the list of people who have more chances to get the job.
But, there is a trick. In order to get this certificate, you need to take an exam. Some people say you will need a few months to get ready, others will do that in a few weeks, but the truth is you need to prepare and make a plan on how to study for your PMP exam, find the available materials, and dedicate enough time to this, so you can be sure you will get the certificate without failing the exam.
Also, keep in mind that this exam won’t make you better at project management. It’s only a formal document you need to prove your skills, but every managing process depends on the particular situation and conditions.
Before you start learning and preparing for the exam, you need to schedule it, so you can know how much time do you have until you need to take the test. You have to schedule it, so you can make sure you have an exact time and date when do you need to take the exam. You can check out here sign up and learn what else do you need before you start preparing for it.
And here are the best ways to do that:
1. See what’s available online

You can find plenty of information online, and you can see some of the previous questions, methods, and the ways tests were taken by the candidates. Also, you can find a list of all skills and knowledge you need for this, and what’s covered with the exam. And when we say that there is a lot of materials available online, we indeed think that. You just need to focus on the relevant sources and get to know them well, before you schedule your exam.
At this point, it’s important to know what do you have to do, and see if you can handle it. The preparing process will get you ready for the official course and for the test, so don’t go directly to the training – take enough time to check on the resources and important information.
2. Sign up for a course
There are official courses from registered education providers who offer PMP training. As you take the course, you are not only getting ready for the exam, but you also improve your skills, repeat what you know, but also you get to know the things better and get more knowledge that will be later used in your job. It will help you get to know the exact concepts and terminologies, so you can recognize them on the exam. The good thing is that the courses aren’t long, and it won’t take you a lot of time to complete them. Once they issue proof you visited the course, it would be easier for you to apply for the exam, because you will be more confident with your knowledge.
Our suggestion is to attend this course since it usually takes less than a week, and you can get a great insight on what’s happening on the exam, and focus on the relevant information, without spending time on things that aren’t important right at the moment.
3. Collect all the materials and make a plan

There is a PMBoK available, that you need to go through it, so you can take the exam. That will help you create a studying plan after the brief course you took. Making a study plan is an important step, and you should do it the same way you did at school or college. You know how much time do you need, so start planning immediately, practice the previous tests, find additional materials that can be helpful, join some groups or forums, and create contacts that may help you later.
4. Find older tests to complete them
This is a part of practicing before the exam. Just like did for maths at school, you should do the same for your PMP exam. If you look well, you can find older versions of the exam, and you can take them online. Also, there are some tests available, just for practicing purposes, so the candidate can boost their self-confidence, but also detect their weak sides, and focus on them before they make an attempt at the exam.
5. Find other people who are going through the same

On forums and Facebook groups, you can find a lot of people who study for the PMP certification exam at the same moment you are doing it. You can discuss with them, share some useful tips, but also see how they are doing the same. Shared knowledge is a bonus, because you will see if you can explain what do you know, or you only work with raw information in your head, without any idea on how to use them in practice. These people can be your biggest support, and you to them too, because you all understand what’s happening, and you share the same “headaches” at this point.
PMP certification test is nothing different than the tests you took at school while you were a child. Practically, you know all these things, but you need to show that to those who will help you become a certified project manager, and get more career options in your life.
So, focus on the topic, check the available materials, take the training, and repeat the important details if needed. And don’t get sad if you fail at the first attempt. Use that as an advantage, so you can be ready for the next time.