During the global covid-19 pandemic, a lot of people decided to use their free time to learn a new skill or improve at a skill they already have. Since hard times are always better with some good music, a lot of individuals started learning how to play an instrument themselves, and as per usual, the guitar is the most popular choice for many.
Learning how to play the guitar is both easy and difficult at the same time. Why am I saying this? Because the skill range for playing the guitar is really broad. You can sound good when playing a song that you learned for just one or two days, but if you want to sound amazing, you need to practice for a lot longer. “Mastering” how to play the guitar is pretty impossible.
This is why we have online guitar lessons that anyone can take. They don’t cost much but they can really help you improve, especially at the beginning while you’re still starting out.
1. You will find more motivation to continue learning with a mentor on your side

No matter what it is you want to start learning in life if you have a mentor, things will be easier, and you’ll have more motivation to continue learning. For a lot of things related to guitars, discounts for courses, and other tricks, you can take a look at Bigsearcher website.
Instead of learning everything from your own mistakes, you can have someone with years of experience teach you, and that is basically priceless.
2. Online lessons can always be replayed which is a huge advantage

Unlike visiting a “real” guitar school, you can replay online guitar lessons, meaning that if you miss something or if it’s just not your day, you won’t have to feel bad about not remembering or not following properly what was being taught during that particular class. Online lessons can be easily replayed as many times as you want them to be. This means that if you want to follow everything perfectly, and not go on to the next lesson until you master the previous one, you can do so without having to pay more. Pretty important if you are serious about learning.
3. These online guitar lessons cost money, which is a potential downside

Now the first downside to this is that you actually need to pay for the lessons. Not that there aren’t free ones available on the internet, but are they of the same quality as the ones you have to pay for? I mean, if you are still trying to find out whether playing the guitar is the right activity for you, starting out with basic free lessons is a solid idea. However, if you want to take the more serious approach, you’ll have to pay a subscription for the more premium content. Free lessons don’t have exercises included, which is a downside since you learn the most from exercises.
4. It may be difficult to find the right mentor as everyone is different

Another downside of taking online guitar lessons is the fact that there are so many mentors out there and it’s sometimes difficult, or should I say overwhelming, to find the one that matches your interests and your learning capabilities. Not everyone is compatible with everyone if that makes sense. You can learn more from someone who has an approach that matches your attention span, your learning curve capacity, etc…
Once again, I recommend starting with free lessons or at least paying for just a few before you go and dive deep into the content created by someone you found as a potential teacher. Test the waters and don’t rush.
5. You need an actual guitar which is an investment

If you visit a guitar school, you can borrow a guitar to learn on. But, if you want to take classes, you need your own guitar. Now, most beginners don’t have to purchase from the most expensive brand for their first-ever guitar, but you still need at least some budget. Unfortunately, and this is well-known already, the quality of your guitar will have a huge impact on your overall playing quality. The better guitar you have the more enjoyable the entire experience will be. The same thing goes for cars or anything else really. But, don’t let this discourage you. Start slow, and then the pleasure will be much larger when you purchase a top-quality guitar and you actually know how to play well.
6. Top-rated guitar lessons have great progression curves

Most beginners don’t really know where to start from when they first pick up a guitar. Some of them will attempt to learn the song that sounds the best to them, even though that song is pretty impossible for a beginner to learn. This is why reputable mentors know how to create progression curves. It’s important to start slow and then move on to the more difficult things, instead of just rushing out to play some Megadeth on the first day. A good progression curve will also keep the student interested and give them a sense that they’re actually progressing and becoming better, instead of demoralizing them instantly due to the difficult song they’re being given to learn.
For many people, learning how to play the guitar the right way is a huge goal. However, this requires some talent and a lot of practice. We don’t want to discourage anyone but it won’t be easy learning on your own simply by watching online videos or listening to advice from a friend. You need a real teacher, and thankfully, teachers like that have their own online classes nowadays hosted on online platforms. In today’s article we covered six really important pros and cons of taking online guitar lessons as a beginner, so feel free to check it out. Thank you for the time you took to read this article.