Sunday, April 28, 2024
Home Health


What Tips Can Your Doctor Recommend for Your Weight Loss?

You may struggle with weight loss because you keep swinging back and forth from overweight to thinness and then regaining it all over again. Your medical provider will help you stay on track and...

Symptoms and Treatment for a Herniated Disc

Your spine has a series of bones. Between the bones are round cushions known as discs that absorb shock and allow you to move and bend easily. A herniated disc happens if one of...

Boost Your Overall Wellness this Spring with These 5 Easy Steps

As winter passes away and springs start to come to life, the whole world seems to change. Everything is reset – clocks, closets, days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the people are...

6 Ways to Cope with Pregnancy Aches & Pains – 2024 Guide

Pregnancy is a wonderful period of every woman's life when she knows she will soon feel the unconditional love every mother is talking about. But, sure, at the same time, not every future mother...

7 Signs of Poor Circulation You Should Not Ignore – 2024 Guide

The human body is a masterpiece comprising of several systems. These systems are responsible for the proper functioning of the body and as a result, ensure that we lead a healthy life. Even a...

Is HIFU Good for Double Chin?

The double chin is also known as submental fat.  It is a condition that forms when an extra layer of fat builds up just below your chin. It may result from having looser skin due...

7 Tips for Medication Management for Older Adults

Over time, our bodies undergo many changes requiring different medication management methods. Whether you're taking medication for a chronic condition or just to manage symptoms, it's important to know how your medication works, when...

What Endoscopy is All About

Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic procedure in which a flexible tube with a camera and light source is inserted through a very small incision in the mouth, throat, or anus. The endoscope can...

The benefits of Seeking Family Therapy During And After A Breakup

For people who are facing a divorce, it is important to stabilize their psycho-emotional state, as such a situation is stressful. Family psychotherapy can help with this. Further, you can familiarize yourself with its...

The Biggest Myth About the Fight Against COVID-19

One of a viruses’ main enemies—UVC light—is effective and chemical-free, but misinformation is delaying its adoption in the fight against germs. Led by the World Health Organization (WHO), experts agree that vaccines, masks, hand hygiene,...