The actress is an epitome of beauty despite her age. Her appearance is still a widely discussed topic among several individuals whenever comparisons of the actress who looks good regardless of their old age.
It is almost unbelievable that at her age she has practically maintained her youthful. The actress is totally free from aging effects such as wrinkles, face lines and other sorts of marks that aging brings along. Her appearance has been the subject of many speculations. With the majority of people arguing that she must have been up with Botox injections and face fillers to have achieved such a remarkable feat.
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There are also rumors that the star has been involved with lip implants. Nevertheless, she hasn’t commented on such rumors. According to plastic surgeon experts, he explained that the changes in the actress’s appearance are only preservative measures and that her plastic surgery isn’t new.
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Jennifer Coolidge Plastic Surgery

Huge breast is one of the most craved assets of every woman. Majority of women have argued that huge breast provides them with the confidence they need as women. And it seems that the actress has taken a huge leap to guaranty that her burst size is well admired.
From her photos, it is very obvious her breast size has increased and it was perfectly modified, unlike many other celebrities who have undergone plastic surgery and got unrealistic results. The actress is yet to confirm any rumors of her undergoing plastic surgery and it isn’t new given that much other celebrities too have been involved and have kept quiet about it.
These Jennifer Coolidge rumors are just well-founded guesses and speculations and none of these rumors has also been denied or confirmed by Jennifer Coolidge herself but it also seems that renowned plastic surgeon Dr Paul Nassif also shares the same opinion public shares. According to the surgeon, he believes Jennifer Coolidge must have had facial fillers, lip augmentation and a facelift.

Dr. Paul Nassif also revealed that from all indications, it is quite clear that all the plastic surgery procedure done by Jennifer Coolidge was carried out subtly and professionally. Jennifer Coolidge’s appearance still has this natural look which isn’t something that is easily achieved considering other celebrities that have had the same plastic surgery procedure. There are lots of celebrity plastic surgery that has failed but Jennifer Coolidge is not part of them.
The good thing about all this is some of the Jennifer Coolidge plastic surgery rumors are quite true without her having to confirm anything but it would only be stated as a fact when the actress comes out and says a thing or more about it. The internet believes that she looks quite younger than her age and also very natural and what that tells you is the plastic surgery was a very successful one.
It didn’t ruin her appearance but if she continues going for more plastic surgery procedures, she might end up not looking natural anymore.