Even though she started off her career at a very early age, Taylor Swift went on to be described by Forbes in 2014 as the world’s best selling youngest woman as well as being the most popular person on Instagram.
Looking at all of these achievements, is it wise to think such a person would be interested in having cosmetic procedures or enhancements? The answer is yes she would as it is not totally impossible for a celebrity of her caliber to want to make one or two tweaks to her looks just to push her career forward.
One of the first surgeries Taylor Swift opted to go for is what surgeons call RHINOPLASTY or nose job. This is rather too easy to spot in any photo as in her before photos, her nose was looking normal but fast forward to the era of the surgery, you would discover a more sleek looking and thinner nose.
Despite having successful nose surgery, the next question is how many times did she attempt before achieving such an excellent result. The answer is very likely to be once as her nose right from the start didn’t really require too many changes or enhancements.
Taylor Swift Plastic Surgery

Furthermore, her previous photos showed the famous singer had asymmetrical lips as the top seems thinner than the lower lip and this fact is quite evident in all of her before the surgery photos. Taking a closer look at after the surgery pictures, it is easy for anyone to notice how the lips turned symmetrical with her top lip looking quite fuller than ever.
This surgery is referred to as lip filler surgery and the way the lips are looking plump is due to lip injections and dermal filler. This is one of the most successful surgeries done by any celebrity ever.
There is also something still different about Taylor Swift these days and this time, it has nothing to do with her hair even though during the 2016 Grammy, she got compared to Dora the explorer, Willy Wonka and he-man and the difference being talked about doesn’t lie in her makeup either as she has always been flawless with makeup. This difference lies from her neck downwards as fans have spotted that she is no longer petite but has a curvy frame.

This new curvy frame has led to belief that Taylor Swift plastic surgery rumors cold also involve the star going under the knife to get bigger boobs. The pop star looked all flat in front but since news of she and Tom Hiddleston hit the internet, people realized that her boobs are quite bigger than before which in turn suggests a Breast Augmentation. A fan tweeted saying Taylor Swift probably got a boob job just before the release of her Red Album.
Interesting Read – Roma Downey Plastic Surgery
One thing is we shouldn’t be expecting any form of confirmation on this from Taylor Swift or anyone close to her as things like this is what most stars would not want to talk about. Her fans are not really bothered about the Taylor Swift plastic surgery rumors spreading around the internet but they are happy their favorite didn’t overdo any of the procedures.