It is surprising for many individuals that witness the open conversation of Howard Stern about his plastic surgery. He has openly discussed his involvement in plastic surgery, unlike some celebrities that have shied away from their responsibility with plastic surgery regardless of whether they have been proven by medical experts and surgeons.
According to him, he boldly admits the use of a nose job, facelift, and other forms of plastic surgery that he has been involved with over the years. Despite his over half a century in terms of age, he still looks very young and vibrant. His skin appears smoothened and refreshing.
Aside from that, he spoke of his decision to get a new nose. It was out of personal reasons and not that of a career. According to him, he wasn’t pleased with his natural nose shape and decided to get a better shape and in truth, it really proved successful. Never the less he also shed light in the wake of his facelift and also liposuction.
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Howard Stern Plastic Surgery

Howard boldly said he was aging and had to use the plastic surgery procedure to enhance his appearance to make it look youthful. And that he used liposuction to removed fats in his face area so that he wouldn’t have to experience sagging. Having said all that, the plastic surgery he underwent really helped improve his looks and didn’t earn him many critics for the way he looked.
Some have only argued that the plastic surgery he underwent was excessive in terms of how young he now looks for a man of his age. It’s hard to say that he got bad results from his involvement in plastic surgery but also it can’t be said that he got the perfect result from the plastic surgery.
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The way some critics see it, they think Howard Stern has fallen into a trap some celebrities have already fallen into when they marry or date younger women and in Howard Stern plastic surgery case, he tried to go for the younger look but ended up getting a different kind of look entirely. When analyzing the Howard stern plastic surgery rumors most fans think that the popular radio hot had a failed facelift.
This is due to the fact that his face looks oddly craggy, he now has extremely tanned skin, his nose has a filed down look while his chin looks small. However, Howard Stern may have been one of the very few celebrities who was bold enough to step out and admit having plastic surgery just so he could stay ageless and preserve his youthful look but at the same time, the result of his failed facelift isn’t as bad as people paint it to be.
From over comparison of his older and recent pictures, it is quite glaring that the Howard Stern plastic surgery rumors are true as it shows that he must have had Botox but it was slightly overdone which is why Howard Stern ended up having a strange look. He has to live with it because he would not be able to hide his face from his fans or any of his relatives.