Call it makeup artistry or plastic surgery, fans and the entire public are still debating whether popular celebrity Portia De Rossi is also another female celebrity to have gone under the knife just to maintain a younger look.
So many comments online have directed their opinions towards the fact that Portia De Rossi has had Botox, filler injections, brow lift and also rhinoplasty. There are websites who recently sought the opinion of popular surgeons on their take concerning Portia De Rossi’s new stunning look and their response didn’t come as a shock, YES!
A web page recently disclosed what two surgeons had to say about Portia De Rossi’s new look and they concluded saying that she probably had botox and filler injections to get rid of lines and wrinkles as well as improving her skin texture. They also believe that Portia De Rossi had a brow lift surgery to make her have a younger look and take away years from her beautiful face.
Lastly, they also concluded that she must have had rhinoplasty just to alter the shape of her nose a bit. Despite all of these claims, Portia De Rossi disregarded all of these claims saying that her new look is due to a new way of dressing and also vegan dieting.
These surgeons who preferred their names withheld disclosed that whatever her reason was for going under the knife, the operation turned out successful as there have been bad plastic surgery cases where things didn’t go down as planned.
In some cases, several celebrities have tried altering their look and ended up looking worse than before but in Portia De Rossi’s case, she ended up looking more youthful, beautiful and vibrant even though she still claims to not having been under the knife for any purpose.
Still on the Portia De Rossi plastic surgery rumors, there are strong rumors claiming that the star must have had facial surgery right around her forehead and this could be detected easily just by looking and comparing her old photos and her recent photos.
There is also a strong possibility that the star also did a coronal brow lift and this is based on the fact that her brows appears to be well elevated now.
Dr Paul Carniol who is a renowned plastic surgeon confirmed that the star must have all the above mentioned plastic surgery procedures and he also added that the forehead of Portia De Rossi looks tightened.
However, all of these plastic surgery procedures mentioned are regular procedures which most celebrities engage in just to look younger and fresher. When it comes to the Portia De Rossi plastic surgery rumors, the internet is always filled with flames.
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This particular topic is one that has led to many sharing their thoughts and opinions and there are some section of the internet who are not in a support of the Portia De Rossi plastic surgery move. However, being criticized seems to be the only reaction every celebrity would get for deciding to go under the knife so I don’t really think Portia De Rossi would feel offended here.