Geena Davis Plastic Surgery History
Some celebrities are known for their glamour and sex appeal and others for their fabulous presence. Geena Davis surprisingly has it all. She is beautiful, natural and has numerous talents to back it up. Her youthful and energetic face remained intact until she passed the 50s. This is when all the speculations and rumors started coming about her plastic surgery.
And, again Geena Davis being married to a plastic surgeon the rumors can’t simply go away. What we know is she is somehow turning hotter and hotter. And this fascinates us to reveal her beauty secret.
As rumors about Davis get bigger and wilder, many fans and experts of plastic surgery come forward to tell their opinions. Lip injection rumors have surged a long way in the form of blogs and magazines. But is tough to believe that Geena Davis has made changes to her lips. She had perfect full sexy lips before which apparently keeps us in disagreement.
Geena Davis Plastic Surgery

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Many celebrities take lip fillers to get luscious lips. Davis should be grateful for her natural full sexy lips. Moving onto Botox injections and facelift, Geena Davis must have tried these to enhance her appearance. Even though lip injection can’t be proven, the use of these definitely seems to be true.
She has no wrinkles on her face at the age of 57, which is not possible. The before and after photos are something to look into closely for knowing whether Geena Davis had plastic surgery on the face. Having a husband who is a plastic surgeon must have easily given Geena Davis the key to get facial treatments.
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Even though rumors are spreading fast, Geena Davis has remained silent about her physical appearance. She has never publicly admitted that about the facial uplifts or other surgeries. As time goes, we might be able to see more changes in her face. One interesting fact about Geena Davis is even if you spend an entire day looking at her you still would not be able to figure out that she is getting old.
One can only figure all of her plastic surgery procedures out by only having a discussion with a plastic surgeon and this time we are not just referring to any plastic surgeon but a qualified one. What we mean at this point is the only plastic surgeon that can give an account of Genna Davis’s face is the same one who conducted the procedures on her face. Geena Davis has also been rumored to have a boob job and a nose job.
She openly declined the rumors saying she has never considered having a breast implant or reshaping her nose but one thing she admitted doing was trying out botox on her face. At the end of it all, Geena Davis has been a beautiful woman even before these plastic surgery allegations started coming up and if it appears that all of these allegations are true then we know for sure she did not just to look good but for the good of her career.
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